“Our motto is: nothing can sell your business better than a well-designed product.
We make well designed products.”


Product design is a very complex process which involves many different aspects and stages.

First, you have got an idea and concept of the product – how it is going to look like and what functions it will have. I usually start form a simple 2D sketch and then we move on to the 3D model to visually represent what you have got in your mind and transfer it to CAD, where series of detail and fabrication drawings will be produced. During engineering stage, I will validate our design by performing manual calculations and engineering check. Before we start the prototyping and manufacturing process, the 3D model is first visually tested for the best performance and optimization by using FEA. When all tests are done and we are happy with the prototype we can start the manufacturing process, which leads us to the final product. But, is it the end of the process? No, it is not. The point is: we have to deliver it now to our customers and find them on the very tough market, so I want to support you and your sales team to reach to this point the best we can and reduce lead to market time to minimum.


We can generate photorealistic pictures of your product without being in a photo studio. These pictures will look as if they have been taken with a professional camera with great quality of textures and appearance. We can take shots of your final product even if it hasn’t been already made!


Making an animation of product is a great way to tell a story of how it works or present it in motion. We can animate how it can be exploded, how it is installed or make a very interesting video to better attract your client’s attention.


Instruction can show how to assemble, disassemble or maintain your product. They consist of all technical data and safety information that make up a product’s manual.